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6-1 Blog: Digital Advertising Predictions

 Digital Advertising Predictions

Marketing technologies, strategies, and trends are ever-changing – especially within digital advertising. To stay ahead of the game, you need to predict change. You need to be ready for change, ready to flip your entire digital advertising when necessary. Today I will be telling you about three of my predictions of technologies, strategies, or trends that will have the most significant impact on digital advertising over the next 5 years.

Prediction #1

    The first prediction is for technologies and is artificial intelligence, which is already upgrading our lives in every area possible. Artificial intelligence is “the design, implementation, and use of programs, machines, and systems that exhibit human intelligence, with its most important activities being knowledge representation, reasoning, and learning” (Whitson, 2020). Artificial intelligence is already breaking its way into digital marketing. For instance, “Amazon uses AI to show only relevant products to shoppers, based on previous searches, purchases and views” (Chaffey, 2020). This is one of the greatest benefits of AI. It increases the chances of first-time customers as well as repeat customers, because of how well it targets them. Going forward, AI will be able to pinpoint the exact demographic that a company should target as well as pop up the ad for them. With AI, companies can get a better understanding of what content customers like best as well as what works best to bring customers in.

Prediction #2

    The next prediction I have is for trends and is interactive content, an immersive experience for consumers. This trend is backed by impressive statics that “a majority (91%) of buyers prefer visual and interactive content rather than traditional formats” (Anderson, 2015). Interactive content is beneficial because consumers begin to feel better contacted with brands, a personal connection that creates loyalty; similarly, it makes consumers feel like their opinion is valued and that they are a part of the buying process. Examples of successful interactive content are quizzes and polls or videos. Often, companies will share quizzes or polls to their stories on social media platforms asking this or that for the consumer. For instance, the nail polish brand Lights Lacquer will post such this before creating a new line with this or that options like bright colors or dark colors. Each selection will include an emoji that the consumer will push to vote for their color. This makes consumers feel like they are getting a choice in what the brand will launch next.

Prediction # 3

    The last prediction is for trends and is increased sustainability. Considering big companies are some of the main culprits of pollution, “81% of consumers strongly feel that companies should help improve the environment” (Gallegos, 2021). Consumers are now speaking up against the pollution and plastics that companies are using and are instead turning to greener brands. Many companies and brands are seeing this flip in consumerism and are starting to take hold. An example of this is Starbucks. The company has taken to digital media, such as social media, to promote its steps to becoming a greener company – such as using decomposable, recyclable cups as well as getting rid of their plastic straws. Companies that do more to become greener and promote this greener lifestyle are going to be more likely to see an increase in consumers. This enhances digital marketing because it allows for more truthful marketing, something consumers are looking for more and more of.


Anderson, B. (2015, August 19). B2B Marketers Leverage Interactive Content For Relevant Buyer Experiences. Demand Gen Report.

Chaffey, D. (2020, January 13). How AI is transforming the future of digital marketing. Smart Insights.

Gallegos, J. (2021, January 5). 7 Digital Marketing Trends of Focus for 2021. Social Media Today.

Whitson, G. M. . I. B. M., PhD. (2020). Artificial intelligence. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science.


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