Tale of the Tiger: Customer Service When a stuffed animal is left behind at an airport, adults see no value in it. It simply gets thrown in a lost and found to either be claimed or eventually thrown out. However , to a small child that stuffed animal is their comfort and means the world to them. That is something that Tampa International Airport understood when a little boy left behind his tiny tiger friend. Once the toy tiger was found by the airport’s operation manager, he went above and beyond simply returning the tiger to the rightful owner. Instead, he gave the tiger a little adventure while he waited for his human to return. Once the boy was reunited with his Tiger, he had a book of all the photos to see every adventure the tiger took while he was away. What was done successfully to meet the wants and needs of the target audience? Let’s face it, airports have a bad reputation. In a post 9/11 world, we are stuck with tight restrictions and security checks – not that this...